


IMPACT is an official newsletter of the Association of Overseas Chinese Agricultural, Biological, and Food Engineers (AOCABFE, short as AOC). As an edited and periodic electronic publication, its aims are to serve AOCABFE as: 

1. The official bulletin and archive. It publishes major official AOC documents including, but not limited to, its constitution/bylaws, organization, annual reports, and board meeting minutes. Its past issues are AOC’s archive.

2. An information exchange channel. It goes with the AOC website to publish news, AOC and its members’ activities, feature stories, and announcements. It shares student’s experiences in living, studying and job hunting.

3. A forum. It provides the AOC members a round-table to express opinions over and to discuss and debate issues related to AOC and agricultural, biological, and food engineering fields.

IMPACT limits its topics and contents closely related to the AOC mission and its active science and engineering fields. 

IMPACT serves the AOC members as its primary readers. However, its readership also extends to members of other engineering professional organizations and all the agricultural, biological and food engineers of Chinese origin as well as stakeholders.

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International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (IJABE) is an international peer-reviewed open access scholarly journal. IJABE, started in 2008, is a joint publication by US-based Association of Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers (AOCABFE) and China-based Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE).

Technical Areas:

● Power and Machinery System

● Land and Water Engineering

● Bio-environmental Engineering

● Information & Electrical Technologies

● Renewable Energy System

● Agro-product and Food Process Engineering

● Emerging Science, Engineering & Technologies

Types of Articles:

Cover Caption, Editorial, Research Highlights, Science News, Policy & Education Forum, Perspectives, Correspondence, Commentary, Brief Communications, Previews, Mini-reviews, Review, Research Articles, Book and Media Reviews, Corrections, Advance Online Publication, Advertisement.

Languages: English

ISSN: 1934-6344, eISSN: 1934-6352

Contact information:

Prof. Wang Yingkuan, PhD
Managing Editor of International Journal of Agricultural & Biological Engineering

Director of Agricultural Engineering Sci-Tech Information Center,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)

Tel: 86-10-65929527, 86-13691070263

Room 506, No.41, Maizidian Street,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100125, China




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