How to Apply

  • Choose Your Plan

    Select your membership type.

  • Application

    Download and complete the application form.

  • Submit

    Submit your completed application and membership fees to Dr. Yi Zheng at


Personal Membership

The AOC membership is open to any Chinese student, scholar, professional, or university faculty member who


  1. has overseas educational or professional experience, and
  2. is currently pursuing or holding an academic degree in agricultural, biological, or food engineering or other closely related engineering and science disciplines.

AOC offers two types of membership: regular member and corresponding member. Regular members are those who hold membership of both AOC and ASABE. The corresponding members are those who hold membership of only AOC. It is the current policy of AOC that the number of corresponding members at any given time may not exceed 20% of the total AOC membership. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to become regular members. AOC provides the same services to its corresponding members and regular members. 

If you are already a member of ASABE or would like to become a member of ASABE, you can join AOC by applying through ASABE. Please refer to ASABE website for the application procedure. Your application needs to be submitted to ASABE.

If you are not a member of ASABE and do not want to become a member of ASABE, you can join AOC by applying directly to AOC. Please fill the AOC membership application form available on this website and send it to the following addresses along with your membership fee.

Membership rates

  • Regular member 1 year – $20/year
  • Students – $5 one time member fee
  • Member living in China 100 RMB


Institutional Membership

Rapid economic and academic development in China has enabled universities and research institutions to reach out for international collaboration. The institutions need a bridge or platform to reach out. AOC is the platform or bridge. The AOC Institutional Members are expected to gain the following benefits to meet their needs for a bridge enabling their international collaboration:


•Promoting the institution among AOC members through AOC annual meeting, AOC China Exchange, AOC newsletter, and AOC web-site.


•Collaborating with AOC members to support students studying abroad and faculty visiting scholar.


•Exchange in educational program, research projects, and product development.


•Hosting AOC delegation for seminars, summer teaching and research.


•Jointly developing research symposia with AOC members or groups.


•Accessing database of AOC students and professional experts for collaboration or recruitment of talents.

Membership rates

  • 5-year membership – $3000
  • 1-year membership – $1000


Have Questions?

Dr. Yi Zheng

Department of Grain Science and Industry
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506


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