Dear AOC student members and friends:

On behalf of the Student Activity Committee (SAC) of the Association of Overseas Chinese Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers (AOC), it’s our great pleasure to welcome you to join our community as a student member.

AOC is a professional organization of hundreds members from all over the world. The regular members are composed of university faculty members, post graduated research associates, and professionals working in government agencies, research institutes and industry. Its major objective is to promote information exchange and networking among agricultural, biological, and food engineers of Chinese origin worldwide. In the past decade, AOC has become a well-recognized professional society in worldwide biological, agricultural, and food engineering. We just celebrated our 10th anniversary at the Galt House, Louisville, KY on August 8th, 2011.

Overseas Chinese students, as we all know, have probably formed the largest group among the international students in the US and Canada. Currently, hundreds of Chinese students working in Agricultural and Biological Engineering are studying in the North America. In the past decade, AOC has consistently helped our students members on future professional development and providing you with the information you are interested.

To give you better idea of benefits as a student member of AOC, please spend some time on our website. AOC has established several annual awards to honor student members in our society ( Theses awards would be particularly helpful to those Chinese students who will step into their career life in the near future. Our email LISTSERV is used as the main platform for news distribution and information exchange. Through this LISTSERV, you can ask professional questions, post the resume for job searching, share information such as hotel room sharing during conference and more. By registering as a student member, you will be automatically added into the LISTSERV. Even if you are not a AOC student member yet, you are very welcome to subscribe our LISTSERV by joining the Google group. We believe it is a tremendous resource if we can effectively integrate and distribute useful information in a timely manner.

Working closely with the AOC Executive Board, the SAC will continuously represent all student members’ interests and organize events better serving your needs. Meanwhile, we need the support of all of you. With your valuable support, we are confident to better serve you and to further promote communication and networking among all young engineers in agricultural and biological engineering. Your suggestions and feedbacks will be sincerely appreciated!

Welcome to AOC, our new student members!! If you haven’t registered in AOC, we embrace you as our non-member friends and sincerely invite you to join us as a regular student member. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via email.

Best regards,


Student Activity Committee of AOC


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